Posts Tagged ‘ Julie Anne San Jose ’

Julie Anne San Jose: Track-By-Track Album Review

Julie Anne San Jose‘s self-titled album was first released as a digital album on iTunes, and only a few hours after its release, it climbed up the Top Albums chart of iTunes Philippines, an incredible feat for an 18-year old Filipina singer. One week later, the album became available on Astroplus and Astrovision outlets nationwide. Over-all album sales are still unavailable as of writing.

For a debut album, going the eponymous route in its title is always a smart move. It gives off a stand-alone statement right then and there. It almost feels like the artist is introducing herself and her sound. And her sound, I am about to review.  Continue reading

Artist In Focus: “Julie Anne San Jose”

She was fifteen when I first saw her. It was the first time my ears reached this wonderful voice she has. A voice that exudes overflowing talent and certain precision. It was a voice that up until this writing, has repeatedly played in my head, similar to a tape stuck in a loop.


Julie Anne San Jose

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